Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So far I haven't had any weird cravings dipping a giant pickle in yogurt (yes, my sister-in-law ate that) But I do crave fruit...all of it, especially purple grapes. I could eat those all day every day!!! Unfortunately the thought of most food makes me want to puke because for the first month 1/2 of being pregnant I threw up everything that I ate, couldn't keep anything simple down. So now, trying to find food that sounds really good to me, aside from the fruit, is becoming quite a chore. Now a lot of things will sound good to me until I smell it, and then it's all over. The smell will be so intense that there is just no way that I could eat it. I will say, however, that Penguin Point's tenderloins have become a winner for me lately!!! I could probably eat one of those everyday..probably not the best choice though haha. I also CRAVE Coke Cola, which is just so weird for me. I've never been a soda person, I LOVE LOVE LOVE juice, all juice, and that's really all I've ever drank.....but not now, I want Coke!!!! Again, probably not the best thing to drink all day every day :) I have to find some foods that I didn't throw up all the time, and eat. My midwife told me at this point in my pregnancy I should have at least gained 5 lbs....instead I've lost about 10. NOT GOOD! I really don't want this to continue. So what to do...take a trip to the grocery store and walk up and down every isle until I find food that looks good....or just stick with my fruit, tenderloin and coke ;) I think tonight, I will try Panera Bread! haha I LOVE that restaurant, and the soup is sounding kinda good to me right now. Now lets just hope that when I smell it I don't want to chuck it across the room and run out!


  1. hehe. I hated the "sound and smell of everything makes me feel barfy" stage. Hope is stops soon for you. All that sounded good to me was fruit too. (wish that would'a stuck - because I eat like a mad man now!

  2. yeah it's very frustrating for sure!!! haha yeah, I loved reading about your cookie blog, that cracked me up!!! lol that will end up being me, don't worry lol
