Saturday, July 31, 2010

39 week appointment

Well, I went to my 39 week appointment. Progress is still the same, and I am actually measuring a little under what I should be. I have tons of pressure down in the pelvic are so that is good, and I can feel that she has dropped a little. My official due date is tomorrow, so if I go past that then Monday they scheduled me to do an hour long stress test at the hospital to make sure everything is good with the baby. And then Wednesday if I still haven't had her they scheduled me for a full on stress test that involves a 5 point ultra sound where they check all aspects of the baby to make sure everything is on track. They will also check me later that day and schedule me to be induced. Hopefully I don't make it to that point and she will just come out naturally. I will keep everyone up to date :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Heart Monitor

I finally heard from my Dr.'s office over the 24 hr heart monitor that I wore. What they found was that my heart itself is good.... What is happening is something called SVT, which basically means I have moments in which my heart will just start beating out of control for a short period of time. They think it is caused by the extra hormones from being pregnant, and are almost 100% positive that as soon as this baby is born, everything will go back to normal. For now they put me on a low dose heart pill that will keep my heart rate from spiking up so high, and prevent me from having those feelings of passing out and being so dizzy.

39 weeks and counting....

Well I had my 38 week appointment, everything is progressing well. She said that I could have this baby anytime. Which I am very very ready for!!! I've been having contractions, they just haven't been staying consistent. I guess that is what they refer to as warm up labor or something like that. I on the other hand find it MEAN!!! lol... I figure if I'm gonna have the contractions then let me go in labor dang it! I want to see this little girl so bad! But I know it's better for her to come when she is ready :) It is getting close though.....I can't believe how quickly this has gone!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So I'm 38 weeks and completely ready for this little girl to come out. I am extremely sleepy all the time, I just feel like I can't catch up and get enough rest. It's very hard to get comfortable at night, I toss and turn all over the bed...not to mention the late night pee trips have doubled lol, her head is RIGHT on top of my bladder! I've been having contractions but nothing consistent to be in actual labor. Which I must say is just mean....teasing me like that. Hopefully they will have good news for me today at my appointment like I'm dilated a lot more....that would be SUPER! Although I have not lost my mucus plug yet....but I'm just gonna say that I will be one of those woman who lose there's like the day before or day of labor :) hey..I can dream! I will update after my appointment today and let everyone know what the deal is.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

37 Week Appointment :).......Heart monitor

Went to my 37 week appointment today. Everything is going great and right on schedule. I am dilated 1 cm. and she said that I am thinning out very nicely, baby's head is also right there as well. Kind of surprised my Dr. at first lol... Heartbeat is 140 like usual. I cannot believe how close we are to having her here!!!!! I just can't wait to see her beautiful face and snuggle with her!

Also had the appointment to get the heart monitor today, they had rescheduled it from Tuesday. So now I have to wear this silly thing until about 5:00 pm tomorrow. Joy Joy Joy...but hopefully this will figure out whats going on with me, and hopefully it's nothing serious and will all be over with once the little bug is here :) I will update about it once they get all the results back and let us know.

Zoe's First Tutu :) Thanks to Jena!!

Here is the gift my dear sweet Jena Moore got for little miss Zoe's newborn pictures. Her very own personally picked our tutu and headband. I love this so much!!!!! When it came in the mail I got soo excited, and seriously is one of the cutest things in the world, and one of the most creative gifts ever. I cannot WAIT to put Zoe in this little tutu and headband for her pictures.
Jena...thank you SO MUCH!!!! I pull it out and look at it all the time! lol Now I just wish the little stinker would join us so we can put it on her! :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

ER visit x 3

YUCK!! Alright, well July 4th, 5th, and 8th were all spent in the emergency room. I have been having this weird episodes where I can feel my heart skip a beat, and then it speeds up and beats out of my chest for a good 15 mins....during which I can't breathe right,I get this awful tightness in my chest, I turn gray, get all sweaty, and feel as though I am going to pass out. They had me on a heart monitor for awhile and we watched my heart rate go from 89 to 148 within seconds and then it finally slowed back down. They did an EKG and found some minor arrhythmia, but they didn't think it was enough to worry about. It happened 4 more times, and this last time it actually caused my vision to go a little funny, with these weird....I had like blurriness with weird light flashes and along with my chest getting tight it actually had sharp pains. I talked to my OB Dr. about it, and they checked the baby out fully, make sure everything was fine with her...did blood work, it all came out okay. So they decided it was an issue that I needed to see my primary Dr. for. Saw him yesterday.. he is sending me to a cardiologist Tuesday where they are going to put this harness 24 heart monitor thing on me for a day to see if they can catch one of the episodes and see if it is a serious issue, or if it is something that will most likely go away once the baby is born. I will update on Wednesday after my baby appointment/and update on what they say about the whole heart deal.

Monday, July 5, 2010

36 week appointment :)

Had my Dr. appointment. Heartbeat perfect and little miss is measuring right on schedule, which technically means I could have her anytime now! Kind of a scary thought! but exciting all at the same time. I had the little strep test down under, wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Although I had a "midwife in training" do that part for me, and she didn't exactly warn me before we went in for the kill with that giant Q-tip......not so fun! But it was alright lol. Now I start my weekly appointments which is just crazy that I am that far along already. But let me tell ya, I am ready for her to come out....or at least drop a little so I can breathe again lol. She is so high up I can't hardly eat anything because it has no where to go. I SOOOO can't wait to see her either!!!!