Tuesday, March 2, 2010

18 weeks and 3 days :)

Well I am 18 weeks now, and it's really crazy.. I am almost half way done :) The throwing up has slowed WAY down... I still tend to get sick to my stomach quite a bit, but as far as the actual vomiting part it's only about maybe every other day or so. It's so nice to actually be able to go out and enjoy the day without having to worry about making sure we are somewhere near a toilet in case little baby Peffley decides to reject something in mommy's belly. I have also started wearing "Sea Bands" which have really become quite the life saver for me. They are used for people who go on boats and what not.. but they have started recommending them to pregnant woman to wear all the time to help with the sickness feeling and they REALLY work!!! I am actually able to eat out and then get in the car without having to stop within the next 5 minutes to lose my meal. For a long time I wasn't really able to get in the car at all because I would get motion sickness. I have had a runny or stuffy nose the whole time I have been pregnant, apparently that's normal haha. Can get pretty annoying at times, but better then what happens to some woman. I still get the restless legs at night, my Dr. said that's something I will probably have up until I have the baby...so YAH for me :) In 2 weeks we get to FINALLY find out if baby Peffley is a girl or boy!! That day is going to turn into extreme baby shopping..something I have been wanting to do since the moment I found out there was a little one growing inside of me. And in 2 weeks I will FINALLY be able to SHOP!!!! :) SOOO excited!! Eric has been SO amazing tending to my every need or desire :) Rubs me every night, gets me anything I may need at the moment. He has been such a great husband and inspiration to me. Encouraging me everyday .... especially those days when I truly feel like it's not gonna be the best day for me. I just love him so much!!! Well..stay tuned for more updates :)

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