Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Where's the BATHROOM!!!!

Okay, so I always knew that when woman were really pregnant that the baby put all this pressure on your bladder and you have to pee all the time....but DANG...I'm only 18 weeks and that's ALL I do. I get up 3 times a night....every night..which, seriously could be one of the most annoying things on earth. When you are sleeping, all comfy and warm in bed..having to get up and pee could be one of the most annoying things in the world and it truly angers me! lol. On top on which it NEVER fails that as soon as I get in the car...I have to pee yet again!! I just can't imagine how bad it's going to be once I am extremely pregnant! oh lordy lordy!


  1. holy cow! I cannot believe you are already - well, nearly 19 weeks pregnant!!!!!
    time is flying, friend

  2. I KNOW!!!!! Isn't it crazy! One week and we get to find out if we're having a girl or boy! so exciting!!

    By the way I check your blog all the time for new pictures of Davin. He is SOO sweet! I wanna snugglin with him so bad. And kiss your fluffy little cheeks! haha He is amazing!!!
